class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Week 11 - Final Project ## Guidelines
### Danilo Freire ### 12 April 2019 --- <style> .remark-slide-number { position: inherit; } .remark-slide-number .progress-bar-container { position: absolute; bottom: 0; height: 6px; display: block; left: 0; right: 0; } .remark-slide-number .progress-bar { height: 100%; background-color: #EB811B; } .orange { color: #EB811B; } </style> # Final Project .font130[ * Deadline: .orange[29th of April] * 3,000-4,000 words (excluding `R` code and graphs) * PDF format. You can write the main text in Word, LaTeX or RMarkdown, whichever you find easier to use * You must provide an RMarkdown appendix file with complete R code and graphs * RStudio add-in to count words: <> * 10-minute presentation * 50% of your final grade ] --- # Format .font150[ * Introduction (1-1.5 pages) - What the paper is about - Why the topic is important today - What are the main results and conclusions * Data (1 page) - Where did you get the data - In what format the data were available - How you imported the dataset into R ] --- # Format .font130[ * Descriptive Statistics (2-3 pages) - Show graphs and correlations _for main variables only_ - Again: _just the most important variables_ - What do the descriptive statistics indicate regarding the main question of the paper? * Replication (3-4 pages) - Describe the paper's main results - Stay as closely as possible to the original findings - Report the coefficients, standard errors, and significance levels ] --- # Format .font150[ * Extension (2 pages) - Add a new analysis to the paper. Maybe delete some control variables, transform them, add new ones? - Do the main results hold or change? * Discussion and Conclusion (1-1.5 page) - How could the authors improve the paper? - Any future research you would recommend? ] --- # Suggested Topics .font150[ * "Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War" * "Oil, Islam, and Women" * "Brother or Burden: An Experiment on Reducing Prejudice Toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey" * "Explaining the Severity of Civil Wars" * "Punishing Personal and Electoral Corruption: Experimental Evidence from India" * "The Gendered Effects of Violence on Political Engagement" ] --- # Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War .center[![:scale 100%](fearon-laitin.png)] .font130[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 1 (5 logit models) * `model <- glm(dependent ~ independent1 + independent2 + ... + independentX, data = dataset, family = "binomial")` ] --- # Oil, Islam, and Women .center[![:scale 100%](oil.png)] .font150[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 2 (with standardised coefficients) ] --- # Brother or Burden .center[![:scale 90%](brother.png)] .font130[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 1 ] --- # Explaining the Severity of Civil Wars .center[![:scale 100%](severity.png)] .font130[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 2 ] --- # Personal and Electoral Corruption .center[![:scale 100%](india.png)] .font140[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 1 ] --- # The Gendered Effects of Violence on Political Engagement .center[![:scale 100%](bosnia.png)] .font130[ * Article: <> * Replicate table 1 * Interaction models: `lm(dependent ~ ind01 + ind02 + I(ind1*ind2), data = dataset)` ] --- # Tips .font150[ * Don't worry if your coefficients are not exactly the same as the authors' * Check if your findings are similar and if they remain positive or negative * Also don't worry about clustered standard errors, fixed effects, or any other terms you don't know * Most datasets are available on the [Harvard Dataverse]( or on the article's website. You have access to all of them through Brown * Let me know if you cannot find your article after 2 days ] --- # Tips .font150[ * Some models were estimated with Stata, another statistical software. Stata commands _won't work_ in R, but you should be able to translate them into R code * To create tables in Markdown, use: - <> - Or <> * _Replications take time_: start early and share the work with your colleagues ] --- # Presentations .font150[ * Send me a pdf of your slides along with your assignment on the .orange[29th of April] * Late submissions will be penalised * If you use Powerpoint, please bring your computer to class * Presentations should be short and straight to the point: .orange[10 minutes per group] * No more than .orange[10 slides]: focus on the issues you encountered and on your main results * Let me know if you need any help! ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Good luck! <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=720px></html>